Dairy, gluten, caffeine and processed sugar free 🙂
Yay! You can have some everyday.
Carob is quite high in minerals, notably magnesium
- 1 piece of cacao butter (1/2 the size of your fist), it’s around 50ml melted
- 2 heaped Tbsp of coconut oil, it’s around 50ml melted
- 2 heaped Tbsp of activated almond butter
- 3 heaped Tbsp of Carob powder (or more, to taste)
- some mulberries, pecans or whatever you feel like as topping 🙂
- (goji berries, peppermint oil, orange zest, rosted almonds, ….)
Melt the cacao butter and coconut oil at very, very low fire (don’t cook it!).
You can use the Bain-Marie method for a gentle melting.
Pour the melted oil in a bowl and add the almond butter, stir properly (you can use a whisk for better results)
Add the carob powder and stir.
Taste it 🙂
Pour chocolate mixture in a mould (or any kind of container), sprinkle topping of your choice. My favourite is pecans and white mulberries cut into small pieces.
Place flat in the freezer.
Enjoy at fridge/room temperature 🙂
Once frozen, I like to break the chocolate into pieces, leaving some in the fridge for immediate access ( 😛 ) and place the rest of it back in the freezer
For a more chocolate-like taste:
Instead of using Carob only, you can go 1/2 Carob – 1/2 Cacao powder or Cacao powder only…
Have a look at the “Make your own Chocolate!” Recipe.
I choose carob because it’s caffeine free (cacao contains caffeine) and naturally sweet so I don’t need to add any sugar.
If you use cacao powder, you’ll need to add a sweetener (honey, maple, date paste, etc.).
Play with the recipe, you’ll find how you like it best 🙂