Hi There and Welcome to ActivEarth Food..
We are Ric and Nella and this is our story...
We come from Sydney and moved to the Gold Coast to "Live the Dream" as many have before us BUT we needed a plan. We were introduced to the business by a mutual friend, and came up to check it out. We did our due diligence, and found that the competitors of ActivEarth did not produce the same quality of similar products.
In fact so much so, that it was a total no brainer for us to buy the business from Sven and Manon, the founders.
We took on the task of learning all that the previous owners had put in place and are now producing the same quality that #ActivEarthers have come to expect…
We have continued to grow the brand and have expanded to have around 10 new products!
We are looking forward to our journey with ActivEarth Food and hope that you have just as much fun, inspiration and learning as we do!